

Welcome to my website! I am so excited that you have dropped by. This has been a long journey that has finally become a reality. I hope you will check out my books on Amazon, “God’s Voice Choices That Led My Journey” and “Come & Dine Spiritual Wisdom to Jumpstart Your Day.”

The last couple of years have been trying times for many of us dealing with COVID-19. We have suffered loss of loved ones, jobs, homes and or our health and yet we have been blessed to endure and to accomplish goals that have been set. Let us not forget that greatness lies within us, we CAN do all things through Him that lives within us and gives us strength (Philippians 4:13).

I hope you will read About me, my books and Blogs and share your insights and perspectives. I look forward to learning about you!

If you have already purchased one of my books (listed on books page) please consider providing a review on Amazon. I would be so honored and love to hear from you! Remember, this helps encourage me as an author and brings valuable insight of one’s craft to the publishers which could offer other opportunities, (ie. contracts). Click on the titles of each book to learn what it is about.

 Blessings and peace

Check out my books on Amazon

God’s Voice: Choices That Led My Journey

God speaks to each of us in various ways, Dr. Robinson Lee shares the times that he has spoken to her and expounds on the challenges choices and consequences that influenced the paths she has traveled. 

Come & Dine: Spiritual Wisdom to Jumpstart Your Day

Dr Wanda Robinson Lee hopes that “Come and Dine” will encourage readers to receive the invitation from Jesus (Psalm 119:147) to meet Him early in the morning and to relish in his Word. 


Give It All to God! Did you know that Our God is a jealous God? It says so, Exodus 34:14, “Thou shalt worship no other god, for the…


Build a New YOu

Life Coach Consultation

Create the life that you have always wanted. Let me help provide you with the tools and strategies to overcome any obstacles that may be in your way. I can help you develop new skills and create a plan for success.